クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 10月25日 00時25分

The end is near. THIS was just emailed to me.... What happened to our world? Were we always this gross? This ridiculous? This superficial and this nasty? I mean it's already being repeated over and over again in our music that love is lame and that really all most people want is a quick nut with no attachments and this agenda has been shoved down our throats in Music for a good 10 years now- and it's clearly working. Everyone is so damn casual and void of feelings these days but damn! Now it's coming to my email? What happened to making love? Getting butterflies for someone? Smiling when u hear their voice on the phone? Remember when people used to call each other and not just have a courtship via texts and emojis?? Call me old school, call me lame, call me whatever you like but I'm so not with this sex crazed, strictly f*cking, not loving trend that's going on now. Yes I'm venting cause I'm so afraid of where we are going as a society. Can someone please help us get back to the good old days of substance, love and depth? I can't do it alone people... HELP!! ? #HowTheFYouGetMyEmail? #MyComputerGotAVirus #TooEarlyForThisFuckery


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