unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 10月28日 06時00分

Kosalata Banda, 12, collects water from a recently installed borehole in the #Malawi village of Chikosa. She lives with her mother, Rhoda January, and two siblings, 2-year-old Tamadani January and 8-year-old John Banda. Before the installation of the borehole their water came from shallow wells. “The water was really bad,” said Ms. January. “Sometimes, you could see the germs with your eyes. We were supposed to add chemicals to clean it, but we are so poor we couldn’t afford it...We got a borehole in 2011, and since then, people don’t get sick because of the water.” Kosalata adds, “I love washing clothes, especially the bedding. Clean bedding is hygienic, and it feels nice and smells nice.” © UNICEF/NYHQ2015-1847/Gilbertson VII


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