goproのインスタグラム(gopro) - 10月31日 03時35分

GoPro Featured Photographer - @night.crawlers

About the Shot: Pumpkin Steel Wool - We do lots of photos in this tunnel near our home, not only because its pitch black inside, but because there is a lot of cool #graffiti inside that adds a cool aspect to the photos. We decided to spin steel wool to make an orb shape. When I got home to look at the photo however, we noticed it took the shape of a #pumpkin haha!

How the Shot was Captured: This shot was accomplished by setting the camera up off to the side by the colorful graffiti. After starting the photo, I lit up the graffiti with a light to bring out some of the color, then Bill started to spin the wool. To get the orb shape, or in this case the pumpkin shape, as you spin the wool, turn your body 360 degrees, taking a small step every time the wool makes a complete rotation. Camera set to: 20 second exposure / iso 100 / native temp / gopro color / low sharpness / 2 stop ND filter

NightCrawlers Tip: For a more perfect circular orb, find a spot on the ground, and as you spin the wool, try to have the rotation go right over the spot on the ground as you rotate your body.


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