ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月2日 05時58分

Photograph by @ジョン・スタンメイヤー

A shoe belonging to a man, lost on his quest for a better life in the desert know as Ardoukoba in Djibouti. Each year more than 100,000 other men, women and children from Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti walk through this ancient laval field in hopes of reaching the Red Sea, traveling then with smugglers by boat to Yemen and Saudi Arabia in hopes of work or passage further into Europe for a better life.

In humility and respect at this poignant point in history when millions of our brothers and sisters are in the act of mass migration, I wanted to publish this image of the lost shoe, just one of countless personal artifacts lost along the pathway I took while on part one of the @OutofEdenWalk project for @ナショナルジオグラフィック. I spent many days walking through this ancient lava field in #Djibouti, a pathway that even our ancestors walk through some 60,000 years ago in our collective act of walking out of Africa to populate our planet as we are today. All over this forbidden landscape were shoes, pieces of clothing, personal items and yes, numerous bodies of the many who never made it.

As we bare witness to events taking place throughout Europe, may we remind ourselves that no one wishes to leave their homeland. That only under extreme duress, fear, acute poverty and war will anyone simply walk upon such an arduous journey. A journey of hope.

@natgeocreative @thephotosociety #lava #shoe #clandestine


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