アレクサ・ヴェガのインスタグラム(vegaalexa) - 11月11日 09時32分

Carlos PenaVega... My incredible and amazing husband. I can't even explain to you how much I love you. You mean the world to me. Having you by my side in everything I do makes every step I take so much more meaningful. Being able to share this experience with you was the most fun and crazy thing we could've done. We are going to be able to look back on this and have so many amazing things to say. We came on this show to be a light... To share with people a positive fulfilling marriage founded on God. To overcome our fears. To encourage and inspire others. I believe we did that! You lift me up... You always make me laugh... You aren't afraid to share your faith and love for Christ. You are a true leader. And I am a proud wife.

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