クリスティン・ポープのインスタグラム(kris10pope) - 11月14日 23時58分

I realize that my social media has become something different than I originally intended- and while i love motivating, helping, inspring others...my instagram has always been a place for self reflection and it is personal...I don't intend to ever change that. I can barely move this morning. Every joint in my body aches. Knowing i have heavy pause back squats to start my day is making me cringe. I also have goals. Goals that will not be reached if I succumb to the aches and don't try my absolute best today. I am not pleased that i could not finish my clean & jerk assignment at last night's practice. My technique needs work. My ankle mobility needs work. My leg strength and imbalances need work. My mental game needs work. I am not happy with where i am. Reflection doesn't always have to be positive- just honest- and willing to make a plan of attack to go from reality to the dream. Now, let's go to work. #weightlifting #pope


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