ユリア・シェチニンのインスタグラム(iouliachtchetinina) - 11月15日 01時40分

Everyone is posting about Paris and I know that my post won't help the situation and won't change anything, but I really can't stop thinking of what happened last night....
No words can express how sad and how terrible that is... It's increadibly what human beings are able to.
I usually try to be positive and see the things from the best side....I use to believe that life is good and everything happens for a reason... But things like this just explode my mind and fill it with deep sadness about the world we all are living in... So just give love to people around you and take care of the ones you love. Say what you feel. Do what you love. Now. Because it may be no tomorrow.... #prayforparis #jepriepourparis ??


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