キャセイパシフィック航空のインスタグラム(cathaypacific) - 11月16日 16時23分

Introducing – B-KOO “Inspiration”, Hong Kong’s first homebuilt and registered aircraft.

The aircraft, piloted by our very own captain Hank Cheng, successfully took off in Hong Kong International airport yesterday, making it a historical event in Hong Kong aviation history.

The project took approximately 7 years to complete, with support from over 500 members. Their hard work is rewarded with a fully operational and airworthy aircraft.
We are incredibly proud of the team’s achievement and are overjoyed to see “Inspiration” in the air.
For you aircraft enthusiast, here’s a little trivia: B-KOO “Inspiration” is a kit-built RV-8 single-engine aircraft designed by Van’s Aircraft Inc. The RV-8’s fuel-efficient airframe and fuel capacity of 42 gallons is able to provide for long-range flights at high cruise speeds. To date, more than 9,000 RV models have been certified around the world.
#aircraft #aviation #avgeek #cathaypacific #hongkong #Lifewelltravelled


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