Rolling Stoneのインスタグラム(rollingstone) - 11月20日 09時06分

Today is the 40th anniversary of 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.' "It was just before Christmas of 1974 and #JackNicholson was in his second week of researching his role for the upcoming filming One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. It was 6 a.m.–an hour to go until dawn–and Nicholson, a nurse, a doctor and a technician were tiptoeing down a long drab hallway on the third floor of the Oregon State Hospital. Every few feet there was another barred door and, above, a heavily wired transom. The four were as quiet as possible. Behind the doors slept the most certifiably deranged individuals in the state. No reason to wake them unnecessarily. Nicholson considered himself a reasonably conversant parlor psychiatrist. He had read Frances Farmer's 'Will There Really Be a Morning,' a horrifying account of one actress's battle with insanity, had dipped into Freud and Jung, occasionally paged through an issue of Psychology Today. A decade ago he had read 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,' never dreaming that he would one day play the lead in the movie version of that book, never dreaming he would see what he was queasily about to see." From the December 4th, 1975 issue of @Rolling Stone.


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