ルモンドのインスタグラム(lemondefr) - 11月26日 22時49分

A Idomeni, village de la frontière greco macédonienne, un migrant iranien se coud la bouche en signe de protestation. Depuis l'annonce de restriction aux frontières des Balkans de nombreux migrants ont aussi entamé une grève de la faim.
le 26 novembre.
An Iranian migrant has his mouth sewn shut during a protest near the village of Idomeni at the Greek-Macedonian border, on Thursday, Nov. 26, 2015. Migrants stranded at the border have been protesting for days, as several of them have started a hunger strike, after Macedonia and other Balkan countries toughen criteria for migrants and asylum seekers .
PHOTO : @Giannis Papanikos / @ap.images


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