フィードプロジェクツのインスタグラム(feed) - 11月27日 04時03分

Team FEED is thankful
Jenny, VP of Marketing: ... for growing up in a country and a family that always made me feel my dreams mattered - and that achieving them was possible. My great-grandparents emigrated here from Syria, and this year, I am especially mindful of the generosity of spirit afforded them.

Katy, VP of Operations: ...for the gift of adventure. That I have the ability and means to travel and see all this world has to offer, and that there is also a foundation of love and support that pulls me back to the comforts of family and home.

Melissa, Manager of Sales & Operations: ...to have such loving and supportive parents. They always encourage me to do what makes me happy and for that, I am very thankful.


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