ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月1日 00時49分

Photo by @chamiltonjames / Charlie Hamilton James. Masai herdsmen in discussion during a thunderstorm in the Masai Mara, Kenya last week. Every evening Masai from the town of Talek, walk their cattle into the Masai Mara reserve to graze. This brings them into direct conflict with predators such as lions and hyenas; who have developed strategies for attacking the cattle, even when they are being guarded by the herdsmen. In the few days that I was there I saw several attacks on livestock, including one incident when 10 lions killed 8 cows. Retaliation from the herdsmen often results in poisoning. This has contributed to a decline in lion populations across Kenya; it has also indirectly reduced populations of other predators and scavengers including leopards, hyenas and vultures. Shot on assignment for a story on wildlife poisoning in Africa.


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