Tinaのインスタグラム(tinaf78) - 12月6日 08時51分

Fund my Fonzie!
@chunkyfonznhitch, an amazing friend is having some medical issues and needs your help. If you have a cent to spare please donate. I would be endlessly grateful, this boy is a special one and needs to get better ASAP!
"About two weeks ago, my sweet 12-year-old cat Fonzie was diagnosed and treated for a URI due to feline herpes. While the URI and conjunctivitis have resolved themselves, Fonzie now has very painful ulcers in his mouth and on his tongue, making it impossible for him to eat.
I've racked up quite a vet tab in the last couple of weeks, and was completely heartbroken when I found out today that Fonzie will be needing a feeding tube, more sub-q fluids (I've had to start administering them to him daily due to his history of chronic kidney disease) and possibly a biopsy and second round of medications. Sadly, I am unable to afford these procedures that are necessary to heal Fonzie, and keep him happy and comfortable."
The link can be found in @chunkyfonznhitch's bio. Every donation, repost, and sweet comment really helps!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




