Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 12月12日 04時24分

Hope you are doing great. First of all, what the hell? You brought me more Tigers than Lions this past year. I couldn't be more thankful for that, but besides that, Lola is super crazy. But you brought me my Nicole so well, we're even in the Tiger department...
I have never been a good boy in my life, so I won't lie about that, but Im charismatic, and that helps. I have a very special favour to ask, actually 2: I need specifically 87 Lions, you know which ones I am talking about. PLEASE. After my Lions, I would Love if you could deliver that surprise that I can't disclose in front of 4 million people. Besides these 2, whatsoever extras you wish to bring me, I'm in. I won't ask for Peace to the world because this coming year that won't happen and I would waste one wish. Having said this, thank you for everything you've given us this past year. Expect your cookies and Soy Milk Shake (The Vegan Police is watching us all) hahahaha. All my Love... Espero te encuentres bien. Si es posible, me podrías traer a mis 87 Leones por favor? Ya sabes de cuales hablo. Después de esto, me encantaría me pudieras traer ese regalito que no puedo publicar en frente de 4 millones de personas. Y de ahi, si quieres sorprenderme con algo mas estaría muy padre. Gracias y todo mi Amor...


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