ダナイ・ガルシアのインスタグラム(danaygarcia1) - 12月12日 09時37分

People ask me "how do you know that? And how come you are so lucky?
The answer is simple, all I do and I've ever done (for years and years) and I will continue doing is; practice my craft, read, research, feel gratitude, laugh.. REPEAT!!!! Practice my craft, read, research, feel gratitude, laugh... REPEAT and REPEAT.. REPEAT. It's funny I'm in my office and every time I get a piece of paper or an old script from the past it's pure repetition for a really long time. ? #QUEEN #queenstyle #royalife ?????
If you shut your eyes and are a lucky one, you may see at times a shapeless pool of lovely pale colours suspended in the darkness; then if you squeeze your eyes tighter, the pool begins to take shape, and the colours become so vivid that with another squeeze they must go on fire.
I don't know the outcome, all I know is that I'm flying. And it feels so good. ??? #thisishappening #limitless #likeaqueen #timetoflylikeasuperhero #repetition #gratitude #reading #booksmart #lovetotheworld #grateness #startingfromthebottomnowwehere #standingstrong #starswithme #queenmessage just for you.


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