こんばんは。 本日は、吉田カバン創業80周年を記念したアイテムの中から「青木良太×PORTER」を ご紹介いたします。 陶芸家「青木良太」の代表作の一つである金瓷銀瓷盃とPORTER特製の専用ケースです。 “昔の粋な人は好きな陶芸家の盃を持って飲みに行く”という文化に基づき、このアイテムを製作しました。 盃は手に収まりやすく筒の形をしているので、ワイングラスのように香りが逃げません。 金属のような仕上がりですが、手に取ってみるとしっとりと肌に吸いつく温かみがあり、陶器独特の質感をお楽しみいただけます。 世界限定80個限定発売で、今回に限りシリアルナンバーが入ります。 また、PORTER STANDでは代表作の一つであるデュラフレックスのピカルディグラスを オマージュしたデュラカップや、流れるようなラインが美しいPot de laitもご用意しています。 ギフトにおすすめのアイテムを、是非店頭でご覧ください。 金瓷銀瓷盃 専用ケース ¥90,000(税別) 青木 良太 1978年富山県生まれの陶芸家。 年間約15,000種類の釉薬の研究を通じて、金・銀など陶芸では通常扱うことのない素 材を使用し、繊細で美しい作品を生み出し続けています。 国内外からの注目も高く、既成概念にとらわれない新しい作陶で期待される若手の ホープです。 http://www.ryotaaoki.com/ Good Evening. Today we would like to introduce the "RYOTA AOKI×PORTER" from the Yoshida & Co., Ltd. 80th Anniversary items. We offer a pair of a genuine gold cup and a genuine silver cup, which is one of the representative works of the ceramic artist Ryota Aoki, along with a special case manufactured by PORTER. We have made this item based on the culture of "Back in the old days, people with good taste carries his own sake-cup with him when they go for a drink". The sake cup fits in your hand and since it is cylinder-shaped, you could enjoy the soft and warm touch of ceramic arts. It is in a limited number of 80 pieces in the world. Just for this special item, there is a serial number in each set. At PORTER STAND, we also carry the "DURA CUP" which his one of his representative works as well and is a homage to the DURALEX Picardie Tumbler, and the "Pot de lait" with a beautiful curved shape. They would make great gifts as well. Please take a look at them in store. Gold and Silver Sake Cup with Special Case ¥90,000(+ tax) AOKI RYOTA He is a ceramit artist born in 1978 at Toyama prefecture. He has been experimenting approx. 15,000 glazes yearly, and create beautiful pieces by using material that is not usually used in gold and silver pottery. He is noticed both in Japan and worldwide, and he is a promising young potter always with new ideas. http://www.ryotaaoki.com/ #RYOTA_AOKI #yoshidakaban #yoshida #porter #porterstand #tokyo #japan #japanmade #instalike #instagood #instalove #instafollow #bag #souvenirs #あおki#ポーター #ポータースタンド #吉田カバン #吉田 #東京 #日本 #日本製 #バッグ #鞄 #お土産

porter_standさん(@porter_stand)が投稿した動画 -

PORTER STANDのインスタグラム(porter_stand) - 12月15日 23時17分

また、PORTER STANDでは代表作の一つであるデュラフレックスのピカルディグラスを
オマージュしたデュラカップや、流れるようなラインが美しいPot de laitもご用意しています。

金瓷銀瓷盃 専用ケース ¥90,000(税別)

青木 良太

Good Evening.
Today we would like to introduce the "RYOTA AOKI×PORTER" from the Yoshida & Co., Ltd. 80th Anniversary items. We offer a pair of a genuine gold cup and a genuine silver cup, which is one of the representative works of the ceramic artist Ryota Aoki, along with a special case manufactured by PORTER.
We have made this item based on the culture of "Back in the old days, people with good taste carries his own sake-cup with him when they go for a drink".
The sake cup fits in your hand and since it is cylinder-shaped, you could enjoy the soft and warm touch of ceramic arts.
It is in a limited number of 80 pieces in the world. Just for this special item, there is a serial number in each set.

At PORTER STAND, we also carry the "DURA CUP" which his one of his representative works as well and is a homage to the DURALEX Picardie Tumbler, and the "Pot de lait" with a beautiful curved shape.

They would make great gifts as well.
Please take a look at them in store.

Gold and Silver Sake Cup with Special Case ¥90,000(+ tax)

He is a ceramit artist born in 1978 at Toyama prefecture.
He has been experimenting approx. 15,000 glazes yearly, and create beautiful pieces by using material that is not usually used in gold and silver pottery. He is noticed both in Japan and worldwide, and he is a promising young potter always with new ideas.

#RYOTA_AOKI #yoshidakaban #yoshida #porter #porterstand #tokyo #japan #japanmade #instalike #instagood #instalove #instafollow #bag #souvenirs #あおki#ポーター #ポータースタンド #吉田カバン #吉田 #東京 #日本 #日本製 #バッグ #鞄 #お土産


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PORTER STANDを見た方におすすめの有名人