TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 12月17日 06時54分

TIME's Top 10 Photos of 2015. Each photograph, carefully culled from thousands and presented here unranked, reflects a unique and powerful point of view that represents the best of photojournalism this year. "I just took my phone out so the police [could] be aware that someone was present, [that] there was a witness over there," says Feidin Santana (#feidin), who shot video of police officer Michael Slager’s shooting Walter Scott eight times in the back. The still image from the video provided police evidence, traveled from social media to front pages and even made the cover of TIME. Never before has the camera been as ubiquitous as a witness. Read more from each #photographer at lightbox.time.com. #topten #blacklivesmatter #charleston


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