ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月20日 22時56分

Haiti is not just a country of disasters as portrayed in headline news but also a place shot through with sunlight and glittering sea, a place of possibility and pride. Also a haunted place with a singular history where enslaved Africans launched the only successful slave revolt in the history of the world, the only one ever! This photo by @fotokonbit student Laine Saintilbert was taken at the Sans Souci Palace in Milot near Cap-Haitien in northern Haiti, built by Haitian King Henri Christophe who ruled the northern part of the country from 1807 to 1811 before committing suicide. He built dozens of palaces all over the country as well as the Citadelle Laferriere, the largest fortress in the Western Hemisphere. Fotokonbit students shot ALL the photographs for a story on Haiti in the December issue of @ナショナルジオグラフィック magazine entitled HAITI ON ITS OWN TERMS. Alexandra Fuller wrote the story. @fotokonbit is a Haitian based nonprofit which teaches photography to young Haitians to provide a platform for them to show the world THEIR Haiti. Please go to ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2015/12/haiti-photos-by-haitians-text to see the full story and it's even more beautiful in the print edition of the magazine! @fotokonbit #fotokonbit #natgeo #ngm #haiti #ayiti #sanssouci #okap #milot #caphaitien #roichristophe #proudnation #alexandrafuller


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