クラウディア・ロマーニのインスタグラム(claudia_romani) - 12月21日 05時02分

I think certain people have too much time on their hands! Coming to my page to post a stupid comment and repeated offensive ones on other pics.. And come back with different accounts but the very same offenses once blocked! ??? #haters don't really bother me.. They show me I m doing smth right! ? but in 2015 saying I m a bi..h for wearing a #bikini and so since I have a #boyfriend .. Well .. Makes me feel so sorry for you!! Enjoy and live your lives instead than being so sad, useless and narrow minded.. Luckily I happened to meet a man with more respect , education and brain than u do.. Oh and I felt like writing in #English as it s a universal language which I m sure though is not part of your existence ., spent on posting stupid comments on people u apparently dislike, instead than studying , working on yourselves and growing ... Well.. Have a good life! ? #spammers #haters #useless #dumb #whatamentality #ignorance #girlpower #idontbelongtoaman #miami #modernlife #please #youmakemelaugh

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