Catharine Mi-Sookのインスタグラム(catharinemisook) - 12月22日 01時48分

My first wish each day is for fresh eyes so that I notice and let my heart fill with the beauty and abundance that I'm already and lucky to be surrounded by, starting with my family and loved ones. The best gift to receive from others, imho, is being seen, accepted, appreciated and loved. Sometimes it's easier to extend our best to strangers, coworkers, acquaintances and new relationships but the ones who deserve it the most are the tried and true who have stuck it out with us. These are the greatest treasures in life and my wish is that they feel treasured each day. And that you all are treasured by yours each day too. So here's to the miracle in the mundane, the wonder in the every day, the beauty of those who walk beside us and having refreshed eyes with each new dawn we are granted. Happy Holidays everyone, I hope this Monday finds you with some magic in it. ✨ #thehobonichisociety


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