Sarah Angiusのインスタグラム(sarahangius) - 12月27日 18時46分

When I got Chubby 11 years ago, he could fit in the palm of my hand. Something so small and innocent has showed me the true meaning of love.
On the first day of Christmas Eve Chubby said goodbye to us. After fighting his illness for 3 years it was enough for him.
I will never forget how we looked at each other one last time. I whispered in his ears how much I love him and I thanked him for his companionship. Peacefully laying on my lap, he closed his eyes and left this world behind.

I am broken and devastated by his loss. My Chubby who I will miss forever is gone.
But I know he is in peace now, running around between the clouds without any pain or sorrow. ?


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