ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月31日 03時14分

Photo by @paulnicklen // Lion's Mane jellyfish near God's Pocket resort in British Columbia. As beautiful as this jellyfish may be, soon it will not be a rare sighting. Jellyfish reproducing far quicker than they are dying off, overtaking many other aquatic species. There are a few factors that play into this jellyfish takeover. First off, they have hardly any predators. Additionally, the predators they do have (such as salmon, sea turtles, albatross, etc.) are becoming increasingly scarce. On top of this, jellyfish can eat up to 10x it's own body weight per day, effectively annihilating almost everything in it's path. Jellyfish are also incredible at proliferating, creating colonies of clones that attach to hard surfaces. While those colonies are waiting to release the jellyfish, they clone themselves again and again. Last but certainly not least, jellyfish are pretty hard to kill. Ironically, cutting some species open actually creates many more jellyfish. Therefore, lookout for these guys whenever you're on the ocean in coming years, as you may have some extra company. // with @sea_legacy @Cristina Mittermeier @ナショナルジオグラフィック


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