リル・デュヴァルのインスタグラム(lilduval) - 12月31日 04時19分

It's amazing watching my stand up jokes blowing up and when I say it then it looks like I'm the one not being creative. Smh fuck it I'm gon start stealing and when I get caught in just gonna say its inspiration. Ain't like y'all care anyway. @cthagod always tell me I'm stupid for keep trying to sell talent when y'all prove to me everyday that y'all don't give a fuck about real talent. I remember I said basic bitch and somebody told me I took it from somebody else lol most of the memes u see I said on Twitter 6 years ago. Moral of the story IM STEALING! Cuz if u can't beatem join them. (I am urban comedy internet I started this shit. Pat myself on the back since y'all seem to act like y'all clueless) I don't expect none of talentless muthafuckers to understand where I'm coming from


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