Happy New You Year!!!!!!!!! (( Guys Thank you for your concerns I was no where NEAR the isolated hotel fire that happened in Dubai last night! I'm poppin on a mega yacht in the ocean turnt).... No one was reported to be hurt Prayers that everyone stays safe Happy New #YOU Year!!!! Here's my grateful prayer to the WORLD!!..... Everyone knows I come from very humble beginnings walked the rough ghetto streets of Watts, Homeless and raised m a single parent home... Mother addicted to alcohol for 27 years, father left us on our own.... For on drugs and alcohol... I've been exposed to drug, murder, homies in and out of jail, prostitution, racism, we never ever had money, never had food and it was 4 of us..... But the GOOD LORD FAVOR covered us.... The struggles developed character and a hunger for life and success that's unmatched... To the Lord Jesus Christ be all the glory..... Father God I thank you for everything that you are and everything that you can continue to be....... This year I ask that you heighten my awareness, creativity, my decrement, intuition, instincts of people things and sitcoms and their intentions towards me.... And I pray that my clarity is heightened in connection to YOU........ I can do ALL things through Christ I believe it and live my life according to....... Not MY way but THY way will be done...... In the midst of being blessed and even more significant blessings to come.... My prayer is that no weapons formed against me or my #VoltronEntertainment team shall prosper cover us, armor is with your love, armor me with your bold and significant visions and I will implement them, as I climb into these unfamiliar and uncharted successful territories...... And father God my hearts desire is to seek and find the love of my life my WIFE the year...... Send her to me and I will do the rest... Thank you father God I will continue to give YOU ALL THE GLORY..... Amen... Remember I said it this is the YEAR for #VoltronEntertainment shout to @baitalkandora for my custom #VoltronKandoras #ChairmanSwag

tyreseさん(@tyrese)が投稿した動画 -

タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 1月1日 14時20分

Happy New You Year!!!!!!!!!
(( Guys Thank you for your concerns I was no where NEAR the isolated hotel fire that happened in Dubai last night! I'm poppin on a mega yacht in the ocean turnt).... No one was reported to be hurt Prayers that everyone stays safe Happy New #YOU Year!!!! Here's my grateful prayer to the WORLD!!..... Everyone knows I come from very humble beginnings walked the rough ghetto streets of Watts, Homeless and raised m a single parent home... Mother addicted to alcohol for 27 years, father left us on our own.... For on drugs and alcohol... I've been exposed to drug, murder, homies in and out of jail, prostitution, racism, we never ever had money, never had food and it was 4 of us..... But the GOOD LORD FAVOR covered us.... The struggles developed character and a hunger for life and success that's unmatched... To the Lord Jesus Christ be all the glory..... Father God I thank you for everything that you are and everything that you can continue to be....... This year I ask that you heighten my awareness, creativity, my decrement, intuition, instincts of people things and sitcoms and their intentions towards me.... And I pray that my clarity is heightened in connection to YOU........ I can do ALL things through Christ I believe it and live my life according to....... Not MY way but THY way will be done...... In the midst of being blessed and even more significant blessings to come.... My prayer is that no weapons formed against me or my #VoltronEntertainment team shall prosper cover us, armor is with your love, armor me with your bold and significant visions and I will implement them, as I climb into these unfamiliar and uncharted successful territories...... And father God my hearts desire is to seek and find the love of my life my WIFE the year...... Send her to me and I will do the rest... Thank you father God I will continue to give YOU ALL THE GLORY..... Amen... Remember I said it this is the YEAR for #VoltronEntertainment shout to @baitalkandora for my custom #VoltronKandoras #ChairmanSwag


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