マッティ・ロジャーズのインスタグラム(mattierogersoly) - 1月5日 11時44分

Don't let anybody fool ya, some days go a lot like this ? it happens, of course I made lifts today, but y'all always see the makes. So enjoy my over dramatic 9 million misses from this morning and this afternoons sessions. 6 hours total today cause snatches and I decided to disagree in the afternoon (yes I feel like ass from it)✋? but I'm dying, it's okay. Here's to not sucking so bad tomorrow!!! ~"What it took to get you there, won't be enough to keep you there".~ #allinadayswork #shithappens #dramaqueen #imdyingitsokay #stillgotstrongertho #imgonnafeelthistomorrow #yesNOOOOO #sassmasta #idontneedpumpuptalks #imliterallyfine

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