タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 1月7日 15時41分

#Tag all that needs to see this! Trust me when I say....... Haters have a job to do....... Nobody wants to be unemployed.... I love when I run into people who're career driven and focussed and they say "Tyrese what you been up to?"..... That says to me that you're SO caught UP in your dreams, goals and visions you're aren't worried or focussed on anything or anyone else.... So many of you will never get to the next level in your life and or career cause you're so fucking emotional to tell all your business seeking validation and you NEVER finish what you START.......... A vision and a dream will remain JUST THAT if you don't move on them....... Here's the the lazy, emotional bum ass people who talk talk talk and don't do shit...... Sit on your hands I don't feel sorry for you at all..... Watch me change the GAME while knocking down 1 dream and vision at a time....... Scary cause it's always you're friends, family and loved ones will b the FIRST to try and talk you OUT of doing something significant!!! Living a hater and #OpinionFREELife....... I will continue to WALK BOLDLY into the unfamiliar seeking my blessings and rewards God knows my heart and HE'S the one who has given me these visions and assignments so YOU will never be able to talk me OUT of what God has put on my HEART!!!!!!!!!! This is my year.... #VoltronEntertainment #VoltronStudios #VoltronChairman


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