Sazan Hendrixのインスタグラム(sazan) - 1月8日 23時02分

I love you @stevie_hendrix ❤️ I understand that when you put your life out on the Internet you're giving others the opportunity to judge and throw hateful comments, so "just deal with it." Right? I have built some pretty tough skin over the years (on and offline) and have even found humor in some of my negative comments. However, I am still a human. Just this week alone I've been attacked for marrying "a white man", I'm "pregnant" because I'm a little bloated, and of course the "bad role model" attack after wearing a bikini on my vacation. The list goes on. I don't bruise easily but it hurts me knowing there's a 14 year old girl out there reading into those comments and feeling insecure about herself because of it. That's what hurts me. I don't plan on NOT being myself anytime soon so for the haters reading this - get ready for more #stevieandsazan + unedited bloated belly and fun bikini pics. Simply unfollow me if I offend you. K? I still believe that I have some of the best online followers in the world and I appreciate YOU. You know who you are. ? I will never fight hate with hate so nothing but love to everyone - even the homies throwing stones at me. The hate translates to me as them needing a little more love in their lives. #GodBlessTheInternet ?


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