Kirby, Landru & Thomasのインスタグラム(littledumdums) - 1月15日 14時13分

A little update on Kirby - he is still not well. At this point we know he has Feline Idiopathic Cystitis which does not have a cure. Life has been a whirlwind the last couple months with my son walking around on his own (and screeching!), construction on the house, and moving to another part of the country. Stress from these loud and life changing events is likely is the root of what caused this episode. He had a full urinary blockage at one point and ever since then we haven't gotten back to normal. We are managing his symptoms and trying to keep him as comfortable and as stress free as possible so that he is able to go back to his normal self. We always thought that Kirby was our most daring and stress-free kitty but it seems his stress manifests physically instead of emotionally. It's been really hard on us but we are also counting our blessings. Thank you for all the continued thoughts and comments and love sent our way. We love this community! ? #coicommunity #kirbysnacks #littledumdums


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