フェリシティ・ハフマンのインスタグラム(felicityhuffman) - 1月16日 05時20分

The subject of breastfeeding in public makes me so crazy and so crazy angry and so crazy despondent! What does it say about us as a society that we "have to explain ONE MORE TIME why breastfeeding in public isn’t a sexual, shameful act”?

I remember when my first daughter was born and I was shy to breastfeed in public, and my sister said, "Don't be shy! Be righteous!"

Let's get righteous! Send this article to as many women as you can. Let's make some noise, loud enough to drown out the voices who say "it's disgusting, it justifies assault," or any other ridiculous nonsense.

Actually let's not drown them out, let's shut them up. #normalizebreastfeeding


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