マット・マクゴリーのインスタグラム(mattmcgorry) - 1月19日 09時44分

It's all around us. Opportunities to speak out and stand up in the face of oppression and discrimination. I challenge you, on this #MLKday , to make yourself uncomfortable.
Because if as many white people cared about racial equality as black and brown people did, we would be living in a vastly more equal world (and country). If as many cis men cared about gender equality as trans folks, those who are agender, genderfluid, cis women, etc then we would be living in a world closer to MLK's dream. Yes, let's be dreamers. But let's also not forget to be the dream itself.
Be the person that can one day proudly tell their children that they took a stand against injustice. That being "nice" and not being racist or not being sexist simply wasn't enough for you. That you felt compelled to put your own comfort on the line for those that did not have the choice. For those people who were bound to discomfort by the color of their skin, their gender identity, sexuality, or their religion.
We must not stop at dreaming. We must wake up to cold reality and face it with love and a passion strong enough that it drives us from our silence.

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