ブレット・ラトナーのインスタグラム(brettrat) - 1月23日 17時49分

#MichaelJackson didn't get out much and one day asked me if I could take him to a video store to buy some old movies! I took him to @cinefilevideo on Santa Monica blvd. He said he wanted to wear his Hulk mask because he was worried he would be recognized and cause a commotion in the store. I reassured him that the Hulk Mask was not going to be a good disguise as long as he was wearing his iconic black shoes with socks and pants that were 2 inches too short! We spent hours looking at videos that day and I remember him being very upset that they didn't have a #BrettRatner film section. He wanted to complain (I wouldn't let him) and he promised never to come back! He never did! He was such a loyal friend and I remember him saying "I'm going to buy this place and make a huge Brett Ratner films section" He had such a big heart and always knew how to make people especially his friends feel good. G-d Bless you Michael!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




