レオナルド・ディカプリオのインスタグラム(leonardodicaprio) - 1月27日 08時10分

#Regram #RG @FredGranath: Ringed seal pup, only hours old. Svalbard. /////// Scientists reported Wednesday that 2015 was the hottest year in the historical record by far, breaking a mark set only the year before, a consequence of the long-term warming caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases. /////// The sea ice of the Arctic is full of life, life dependent on its very existence. Some seals, such as the ringed seals, give birth and nurse their pups on the sea ice, use it as a resting platform, and hunt for food under it. Many seals create breathing holes and build shelters under the snow on the ice to protect themselves and their pups from cold weather and predators. Decreasing sea ice reduces the habitat of many seal species. With the ice breaking up earlier in the season, mothers and pups may also face premature separation, leading to higher death rates. /////// The ice is crucial for many animals. It is also the hunting ground for polar bears, a place where walrus rest and breed, arctic foxes find food in winter and on which caribous, and reindeer can migrate. Melting sea ice in the Arctic will be devastating for many species.


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