ミーシャ・ジーのインスタグラム(mishage8) - 1月27日 12時41分

"its been rough 4 weeks of pain/train/treat, but today is probably the hardest day. Im not sure how many pills and needles i had in my body almost everyday, but there was quite a bit. Its really hard for me to do that, and probably i do it first time in my entire carrier (cause i always try till the last), but this time is like my body said "sorry, i can't this time". Especially when even some triples are paining on mid pressures. The problems is on (Ankles Navicular Tarsal) , the cost of the over pressure on many quads practice, (even though we trained really carefully and control amout of jumps, it still was to big pressure on the body). We did our best to recover and treat it with few doctors, but its still not allow me to work normally (far away from normal). And so of that, all we can do is Withdraw from 4CC. One of my most favorite competition/place to go, but this time, can't make it... Tried my best, Sorry, Thank You."


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