宮野真守のインスタグラム(miyanomamoru_paradise) - 2月5日 01時33分

I think I've posted too much of SexyMamo tonight so here's a little bit of DorkyMamo instead.. 😁💖 I wonder if Mamo-chan ever gets confused sometimes.. 😅 Because he has so many different sides to himself! I'd be having an identity crisis or something if I were him.. like from time to time I'd be thinking - which is the real me?! 😅😅😅 But I think this is precisely why he's loved by so many people from all over the world.. he can appeal to just about anyone out there with all these different sides. 😊💘 Ah and in case you're wondering, this was from his 「Supernova」 performance during 「Mamoru Miyano Live Tour 2014 ~Wakening!~」 💕 #宮野真守 #miyanomamoru #mamorumiyano #マモ #mamo #マモちゃん #mamochan #声優 #seiyuu #アニメ #anime #かっこいい #イケメン


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