イアン・サマーホルダーのインスタグラム(iansomerhalder) - 2月7日 04時29分

Honoring a key man of Vampire Diaries-my dear brother&TVD A Camera Operator for many years, Geoff Shotz is NOMINATED tonight in Los Angeles for a SOC (Society of Operating Cameramen) AWARD for his incredible camera operating on the Vampire Diaries. You, as the audience may not know this but you view much of Vampire Diaries through his eye piece and his leadership and relentless pursuit to make our show the best it can be Is his passion. We salute you my big brother, we appreciate you and we are all right there with you cheering you on! Thank you Socawards.org for recognizing the often overlooked, but key work that camera operators play in making our work as actors, writers and producers and Directors of Photography come to life. Good luck to you Geoff Shotz and thank you for all of the blood, sweat and tears it takes to make our show! All of us here in Atlanta wish we could be with you tonight in Tuxedos and fancy dresses celebrating our brother. Wow man-7 years you and I have been doing this together... Who knew. PS- I snuck this photo of Shotzy at about 3AM this morning while we were shooting about 4 hrs before this man's flight to be at the SOC Awards representing The Vampire Diaries.
Love and congrats to you Geoff,
Ian and Your TVD Family


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