Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 2月9日 04時50分

Ayrton trying to get into Beverly's spot last Sunday. She used to get in and eat the walls. Maintenance tried to patch the walls and I almost had a Heart attack :)
Ayrton el Domingo pasado tratando de meterse al rincón de Beverly. A ella le encantaba subirse ahí y comerse la pared. Cuando mantenimiento lo quiso arreglar casi me da un infarto...
#babyAyrtonbjwt #SaveLions #SaveOurPlanet #behuman #NOTPETS #NoSonMascotas #blackjaguarwhitetiger #rescuedlions #ayrtonsenna #brasil #brazil #babyBeverlybjwt


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