DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 2月9日 05時30分

Darren: Don't think we don't see you up early packing your suit case Mum. We know you are up and leaving us to go to Sydney for three days.

Me:Aww boys, mammy has to work. I'll be back soon.
Darren: But who's going to sing to us and massage us? And play with us and watch movies with us?

Me:*didn't get time to respond*

Darren: That's it. She doesn't love us any more Phillip, she's abandoning us. We will have to fight for ourselves now bro, Its going to be rough out there, but at least 'll love you.


#dramadramadrama #guilttrip #cantgoanywhere #thoseeyes


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