キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 2月10日 23時08分

It's all about practice. There is a humility that can only be cultivated over years of getting on the mat and putting in the work. A quiet voice of strength that says I will stay the course, keep the faith no matter how long it takes. This is my practice room at home and you can see @timfeldmannyoga popping into the side of the video of you look closely. I filmed this yesterday with no intention of using it but decided I'd share anyway. Laundry and all in the background, not every yoga practice is glamorous. Watch the replay while you still can on "KinoYoga" Periscope. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Shorts by @omstarsapparel ?


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