エドロバートジャドソンのインスタグラム(edrobertjudson) - 2月11日 17時00分

Himeji shironameshi

Genuine leather, pure salt, natural plant oils, spring water.
Made from all natural materials.
That’s why it’s the ultimate eco leather.
As its name suggests, it’s white (leather is originally skin-color). It’s supple yet strong, and can easily be drawn upon or dyed.
From ancient times, it has been used to make samurai accouterments and various items for every day life.
Extremely difficult and complex, the unique nameshi process demands the master’s stamina, and results in a product with all of nature’s benefits.
Handed down from long ago, the ultimate eco leather, made by a
world-renowned traditional Japanese technique.
#shironameshi #白鞣し


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