Tarte Cosmeticsのインスタグラム(tartecosmetics) - 2月16日 10時46分

"Every time you post something online, you have a choice.
You can either make it something that adds to the happiness levels in the world - or you can make it something that takes away.☝?️
Don't be mean behind your screen! Let’s spread kind words and compliments instead of tearing someone apart based on their looks! I’m proud to support @Tarte Cosmetics & @bystanderrevolution campaign to help stop cyber-bullying!✋?
Don’t turn your face away. We’ve all been victims and it's time to end cyber-bullying!

I want to spread positivity and hope you'll join me. Post a picture with a kiss stain on the back of your hand, use #kissandmakeup and tag a friend to help create awareness about cyber bullying!??
@snukieful I love how you spread the message of love & happiness. You got a free soul & that’s probably what I appreciate about you the most." ?
#anticyberbullying #kissandmakeup


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