キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 2月24日 21時57分

It took me five years of practice before I could do a Handstand. I was not naturally strong. I was never a dancer or a gymnast. It's all about practice.

Yoga is personal. Only you can choose to turn your mind inward and experience the deepest truth. No one can walk your path for you. There is a humility that can only be cultivated over years of getting on the mat and putting in the work. There's no substitute for listening to that quiet voice of strength that says I will stay the course and keep the faith—no matter how long it takes, through good days and bad, with tenacity, focus, patience, sincerity, and joy.

Read my four key steps to handstand just out on @yogajournal here (link in bio also):

Tag your handstand friends and share the tips. What should my next yoga posture blog be about?


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