ローレン・グレイのインスタグラム(loren) - 3月1日 09時47分

hey guys!! so recently something very sad happened. a family very close to home sadly went through a very difficult time. the Redding family, very close to my best friend Lydia, suffered from a house fire. every member of the family lost almost everything they have, along with their pet cat. never take anything for granted, because everything can be taken from you in seconds. my heart goes out to the family, and since I have such awesome supporters, if you guys want to help out the Redding family, click the link in my bio on @ローレン・グレイ and help them get back on their feet. anything helps. comment below if you decide to donate and I'll be following some people back:) thank you all so much❤️ remember, if you have the chance to make a difference, do it:)


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