ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月4日 11時42分

Welcome to the new #WorldTradeCenter transit hub, where the main hall, or #Oculus, opened today. At first blush, the sight of the place can almost make you forget what an epic boondoggle the whole thing has been. “That virgin view, standing inside the Oculus and gazing up, is a jaw-dropper,” writes our architecture critic, Michael Kimmelman. For New Yorkers, the hub is an Instagram-ready attraction whose defenders say no one will remember it is the most expensive train station ever. After all, who recalls how much @grandcentralnyc cost? (It was $80 million, or about half the cost of the #WorldTradeCenter transit hub, adjusting for inflation. And that was funded with private, not public, money.) Visit the link in our profile to read more about what our critic says is “a disaster for architecture and for cities” and to see more photos by @bryanthomasphoto.


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