goproのインスタグラム(gopro) - 3月8日 23時49分

#IWD2016: Today is #InternationalWomensDay, a day to support women, celebrate women, encourage women and inspire the change for equality.
My name is @Moore_Rachel, I was born and raised in Southern California, I love to scuba dive/spear fish, rock climb, travel and adventure whenever possible. I went to school for biology and scuba dove for the Channel Islands National Park Service for three years before I switched to modeling full time. I met my husband six years ago and from that day forward we started planning a sailing trip around the world. We started with less than $1000 between the two of us after we got married and worked hard and saved every penny until we could afford a sailboat. Two years ago we found and purchased our boat Agape and have been living aboard now for a year. We plan to leave this October for a 5 year circumnavigation! #GoPro #GoProGirl


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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