ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月9日 23時45分

She seemingly did everything right when all went wrong for her. Yoselin, 31, an undocumented immigrant from Honduras, said she was abused by a former partner. When she told him she was calling the police, he said he'd kill her and her unborn baby. Still, she reported domestic violence to the police in Freeport, New York, last fall. In January, New York State and New York City announced plans to step up efforts to protect some of the most vulnerable immigrants from deportation. But it can be difficult to get what is known as a U visa. Yoselin and her advocates say they have run into a series of roadblocks: police prejudice and ignorance of the law on the part of court officials, among other things. As she negotiates her way through the immigration system, though, Yoselin has one certainty in her life: Gabriel Isaiah, who was born on Feb. 24. @kirstenluce photographed Yoselin with her son, a United States citizen, shortly after he was born.


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