ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 3月11日 07時06分

Photo by Jodi Cobb @jodicobbphoto. Because every day should be Women's Day, a reminder that women are often the most vulnerable to human trafficking. A woman trapped in a brothel on Falkland Road, Mumbai, India—the woman is in the cage, the bird is free, the irony is heartbreaking. Huge numbers of women are lured, sold and tricked into the commercial sex industry worldwide. Human trafficking remains one of the world's most intractable and horrific problems—even more so today than when I took on a year-long project on the issue in 2003. To illuminate the plight of an estimated 27 million people held in slavery worldwide, I went to 12 countries where I witnessed unspeakable horrors. The story got the biggest response in the history of National Geographic until then, but not much has changed. Although many women enter the sex industry willingly, they often have no idea what is in store, and don’t expect to become enslaved.

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