キキ・パーマーのインスタグラム(keke) - 3月14日 02時43分

I grew up in a town that was nicknamed Muddville because for the longest time they couldn't afford side walks. I grew up running through a pathway to get to my grandmother's house(it was my favorite pathway. I felt like I was in a fairytale) .. Where she would make me a cake,(jiffy cornbread with EXTRAAA sugah ??) and coffee(hot chocolate) and tell me tall tales. Like, how she broke her back in a car wreck and WALKED to the hospital ?, or how she sliced her finger off and SEWED IT BACK TOGETHER(she really told me this ?) or how she ran away from an abusive husband in Memphis to Chicago with her three children! Where she made a life for herself, had my mother who then had me. She duct taped her house together when it was "broken" and she NEVER slept in her bed, she would always nap in her chair in the kitchen ☺️.. I grew up with nothing, but I had everything in heart. I used to watch this man on television every single day, never would I have thought I would've gotten to sing this song with him. Even for a moment, on snapchat! Please follow your heart, you never know where it may lead you.


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