instagoodのインスタグラム(instagood) - 3月15日 21時39分

Interview series with @saaggo

Q&A 3: How long have you been on Instagram and who got you involved or how you discovered it?
I’ve been on Instagram since the beginning of the application. A friend told me about this new app where you could share photos. It was something fun to do so I started to do it and since then I have not stopped to have lots of fun and meeting new people and traveling more than ever in my life. I never thought this could be possible
Q&A 4:If you had super powers how would you use them to benefit your photography? If I had super powers I would like to fly and to be invisible. If I could fly I could take pics from another angles, I could photograph things looking from the sky and I could fly everywhere to take pics everywhere without any stop. If I could be invisible I could take more comfortable candid photos of people without taking away the emotion and feeling form that moment, they could be photographies with real and sincere feelings, nothing fake or posed.
#watchisinstagood #saagointerview


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