ブリー・ラーソンのインスタグラム(brielarson) - 3月23日 23時15分

28 weeks ago(according to Instagram) @roomthemovie premiered at the #telluridefilmfestival. After the screening @ジェイコブ・トレンブレイ and I toasted. He had chocolate milk and I had red wine. I remember feeling so vulnerable after sharing this movie with the world for the first time; unsure of what was to come. Last night marked what may be our final toast to this film . He had a soda and I had sake. We are in Japan. Together we have traveled the globe, spent almost two years hanging out, playfully arguing about things like who can hold their breath longer and talking at length about Room. At its core, every step of the way has been taken with love. We were generous and patient with each other. We laughed a lot, especially when it was hard. We picked each other up, answered for the other when one was tired and always kept silliness alive. Thank you Room for bringing us together. Thank you Room for uniting us with the rest of the world. Thank you to everyone who shared this journey with us. I will never ever forget it.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




