タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 3月26日 10時21分

Only in today's world does self marketing gorilla marketing and doing WHATEVER you have to do to get on and stay on get torn down into being thirsty......... Let me please explain to you what the P.Diddys and real social media KINGS are doing at home...... SELLING everything we own while others are at home with the most ridiculous level of PRIDE AND EGO and don't wanna promote their own shit...... Gone and sit cho non record selling ass at home and watch us get it....... Pride and Ego is the devil!!!!!! It kills livelihoods, it kills marriages, it kills business's...... Cause you don't wanna come off too "thirsty"..,. Thirsty deez nutz!!!!!! If you don't know already when you follow me I'm going to inspire you and at the same time WEAR YOUR ASS OUT with everything I'm promoting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if you don't know I'm the CEO of
Instagram.com/Tyrese #TheBlackBook is coming this #EasterSunday - I'm never thirsty cause my grind is SO real I will never be without a drink.......... Writing this post from a 2 door Rolls Royce #Wraith #InTheseStreets #MarketingIsKing #TeamNoPrideNoEgo purely focused and addicted to RESULTS!!!!!! #VoltronEnterprises you should always assume that no one is checking for you until you MAKE them check for you............ Raw talent and sincere intentions will win the world over every time.......::


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




